I am pleased to confirm that we will be running Women & Girls indoor cricket at St Felix School, Southwold again over 2024 winter:
Day/Time: Tuesday Evenings 6-7pm
Schedule: Weekly for 10 sessions Starting 16th January (no session at half term)
Cost: £5 each per session - with payment in advance for either half term (£25) or full term (£50).
Book your place by emailing women@girls&yoxfordcc.co.uk
These sessions will be softball only for offering skills development for younger players (School yrs 4,5,6) to join our U11 Girls teams AND an introduction to Women's Softball Cricket for older girls and adult women who don't wish to play hardball cricket.
With our regular volunteer coaches also unavailable, these sessions will also be run by a new coach - Laura De Silva. The cost of a professional external coach as well as venue hire has resulted in an increase in cost for players this winter as it's the only solution to offer these sessions. As such, we will also require a minimum of 10 players to sign up in advance so the club has covered its base costs.
After last years success we are keen this remain a session that existing adult softball players can also participate in, especially so our existing mothers & daughter duos can continue to attend together. We also hope we can attract more players in both groups and believe the session will b e perfect for mothers and daughters to get involved. So please share with anybody who you think may be interested.
I realise this format may not be right for everyone who originally said they were interested in winter cricket, especially older hard ball players. But a hardball session would not really have been feasible given the limited availability of regulars this winter. Other options do exist including the MCCF Girls Hub at Framlingham (state educated pupils only) or mixed club hardball options (also at Framlingham) which will hopefully be confirmed soon for the new year.
Martin Trimby
Women & Girls Development